Chinese Social Hierarchy Changes and Continuities 600 to 1400 Bce

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Eurasian Social Hierarchies: China and India 600 BCE to 600 CE

Eurasian Social Hierarchies: China and India 600 BCE to 600 CE

Patriarchy in China Women considered subordinate to men v Hierarchy within the family: v

Patriarchy in China Women considered subordinate to men v Hierarchy within the family: v – Fathers – Sons (oldest to youngest) – Mothers – Daughters (oldest to youngest)

Patriarchy in China v Patriarchy in China v "Men go out, women stay in. " – Men = public and political roles – Women = domestic roles at home v 3 Obediences: women obedient to first their fathers, then their husbands, then their sons

Influence of Daoism v v Yang = superior principle = masculine and related to

Influence of Daoism v v Yang = superior principle = masculine and related to rulers, heaven, strength, rationality, and light Yin = inferior principle = feminine and related to subjects, earth, weakness, emotion, and darkness The yin and yang are permanent and embedded within the universe Gave justification to the natural superiority of men over women

Loosening of Strict Patriarchy Collapse of Han Dynasty (400 s CE) v Nomadic people

Loosening of Strict Patriarchy Collapse of Han Dynasty (400 s CE) v Nomadic people invaded northern China v – Their women = far less restricted – This influenced native Chinese women Elite women started to handle legal and business affairs v More women rode horses, played polo, wore men's clothing, etc. v

Chinese Social Structure Emperor Elite Government Officials Landlord Class (Scholar-Gentry Class) Peasants (90% of

Chinese Social Structure Emperor Elite Government Officials Landlord Class (Scholar-Gentry Class) Peasants (90% of population) Merchants

China's Landlord Class Threatened state authority v Avoided paying taxes v – Decreased state

China's Landlord Class Threatened state authority v Avoided paying taxes v – Decreased state revenues – Increased tax burden on the peasants Raised their own militaries v Benefited from: v – Wealth they gained from their land – Power and prestige that went with the education they paid for

China's Peasant Class v v v 90% of the population Suffered from: famines, floods,

China's Peasant Class v v v 90% of the population Suffered from: famines, floods, droughts, hails, pests, etc. State authorities demanded that they: – Pay high taxes – Provide one month's labor every year on public works projects – Serve for 2 years in the military (men only)

Yellow Turban Rebellion v v Peasant uprising around 184 CE In response to floods

Yellow Turban Rebellion v v Peasant uprising around 184 CE In response to floods along Yellow River, resulting epidemics, and general misery & poverty Wanted a "Great Peace" with social harmony, equality, and common ownership of property Suppressed --> but weakened the Han dynasty

China's Merchant Class At the bottom of society v Seen as unproductive and as

China's Merchant Class At the bottom of society v Seen as unproductive and as profiting off of the hard work of others v Seen as greedy and materialistic v – This went against Confucian values

Caste System in India v Similarities with China's Social System: – Social status determined

Caste System in India v Similarities with China's Social System: – Social status determined at birth – Little (if any) social mobility – Sharp class distinctions and great inequalities – Inequalities justified by religious/cultural traditions as natural and inevitable

Caste System in India Brahmins = Priests Study & teach the Vedas; perform religious

Caste System in India Brahmins = Priests Study & teach the Vedas; perform religious ceremonies to please the gods & ensure welfare of people Kshatriyas = Warriors; Rulers Study the Vedas; lead government; head army Vaisyas = Common people: merchants, artisans, farmers Tend herds, care for land; make & sell useful products Sudras = Native, non-Aryan people = Unskilled laborers, servants Serve other varnas Untouchables = Outside of Caste System Perform tasks considered unclean These 3 classes = regarded as pure Aryans

The Untouchables v v v It was believed that if people in higher castes

The Untouchables v v v It was believed that if people in higher castes came into contact with the untouchables, then their ritual purity would be "polluted" Untouchables used separate wells, separate bathrooms, separate temples for worship, etc. Many untouchables had to wear wooden clappers to alert others when they were approaching

The Untouchables v Common jobs of the untouchables: – Clean bathrooms – Handle and

The Untouchables v Common jobs of the untouchables: – Clean bathrooms – Handle and cremate corpses – Clean and skin dead animals – Butcher animals – Executioners

Caste System in India Dharma = the faithful and selfless performance of one's present

Caste System in India Dharma = the faithful and selfless performance of one's present caste duties v Karma = determined which caste you would enter at birth v – Adhering to dharma and subduing your ego ensured spiritual progress, good karma, and possible birth into a higher caste when reincarnated


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